Patient Experience and Cancer Survivorship

A patient’s experience during cancer treatment can have a significant impact on survivorship. Survivorship, in the context of cancer, refers to the process of living with, through, and beyond cancer. Cancer treatment is often a challenging and difficult journey, and the way patients are treated and cared for can have a significant impact on their emotional and mental well-being.

The patient experience during cancer treatment can affect how patients see themselves as survivors. Cancer treatment can be a difficult and isolating experience, and patients who receive poor care or treatment, or lack mental health support, may feel disillusioned and hopeless about their chances of survival. Conversely, patients who receive compassionate, high-quality care along with mental health management may feel supported and hopeful, which can contribute to a more positive self-perception and a greater sense of resilience.

Being a cancer survivor means different things to different people. For some, it means having a renewed appreciation for life and a commitment to living each day to the fullest. For others, it means struggling with the long-term physical and emotional effects of cancer treatment. For many survivors, it is a combination of both. Regardless of the specific experience, being a cancer survivor is a significant and life-changing event that requires ongoing support and care.

Moving on as a cancer survivor can be a complex and challenging process. Many survivors experience ongoing physical and emotional effects of cancer treatment, including fatigue, pain, and anxiety. Additionally, survivors may struggle with feelings of guilt or survivor’s remorse, along with uncertainty about the future. Moving on requires a commitment to self-care, including physical and mental health, as well as social support and community engagement.

Research has shown that the patient experience during cancer treatment can impact survivorship in several ways. Patients whose perception was high-quality, patient-centered care during cancer treatment are more likely to have better outcomes, including higher rates of survival and improved quality of life. Additionally, patients who receive emotional and psychological support during treatment are more likely to experience improved mental health outcomes, including reduced anxiety and depression.

The patient experience during cancer treatment also impacts survivorship by influencing one’s perception of their illness and their ability to cope with it. Patients who feel supported and cared for during treatment may have a greater sense of control over their illness, which can contribute to a greater sense of self-efficacy and resilience. Conversely, patients who feel unsupported or neglected during treatment may experience a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness, which can contribute to poorer health outcomes and a diminished sense of self-worth.

In summary, the patient experience during cancer treatment has a significant impact on survivorship. Patients who receive high-quality, patient-centered care during cancer treatment are more likely to experience positive outcomes, including improved mental and physical health, greater resilience, and a more positive self-perception as survivors. Moving on as a survivor requires an ongoing commitment to self-care, including physical and mental health, as well as social support and community engagement. By prioritizing the patient experience during cancer treatment, healthcare providers can help improve survivorship outcomes and support patients through their cancer journey.


For more help with survivorship and cancer, please look at the Support Organizations section of the CancerGo app or reach out directly to


Cancer Survivors: Ways to Help Others

If you are a cancer survivor, you may wonder how you can help cancer patients who are still undergoing treatment. A common question among survivors is, “How do I give back?” There are many ways that you can offer support, both practical and emotional.

Few ideas to give back as a survivor:

Offer: One of the best ways to help cancer patients is by offering your time and energy, whether grocery shopping or taking care of kids; giving them a break from having too many responsibilities can do wonders for someone who has just begun or is going through treatment!

Listen: Cancer patients need someone to listen to them without judgment or advice. Just being there for them can be a tremendous support.

Share your story: If you feel comfortable doing so, sharing your own experience with cancer can be very helpful for cancer patients. It can show them that there is hope and that they are not alone.

Bring food: Cancer patients often have particular dietary needs, so bringing them homemade or healthy meals can significantly help.

Help with financial planning: Cancer treatment can be costly, so offering to help cancer patients budget and plan for their expenses can be a tremendous support.

Be there: Sometimes the best thing you can do is be present for cancer patients. Let them know that you care and are available to help in any way you can. Cancer patients often feel isolated and alone, so your support can make a difference.

Others way of giving back a survivor:

There are many ways to give back as a cancer survivor. Survivors can also volunteer their time, donate money, or raise cancer research and treatment awareness. You can find the best way for you and one that makes you feel good. Just know that your experience and knowledge are invaluable and can help cancer patients. Thank you for being an inspiration and a brave warrior!

What have been some of your favorite ways to give back?


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