Thoughts, ideas, information around things that actually matter.

April 14, 2023

Transparency is crucial when cancer has metastasized, and the patient is nearing the end of their life. In these circumstances, honest communication between healthcare providers, patients, and their loved ones is essential. It enables patients to make educated and informed decisions about their care and prepares them for the next…

Jenni Daniel BSN, RN


The future of early detection- Liquid biopsy
November 7, 2022

Cancer is a frightening disease that impacts many people worldwide, a molecular disorder characterized by the corruption of genetic information at the cellular level, with consequences resulting in changes to critical proteins and molecular circuits. While many treatment options are available, early detection is key to successful treatment; liquid biopsies…

Vino Cherian


Ampullary Cancer
November 7, 2022

Ampullary cancer is a rare type that develops in the ampulla, a small sac-like structure where the bile duct and pancreatic duct enter the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Ampullary cancer often has symptoms similar to pancreatic cancer that are sometimes mistaken for the disease. The ampulla…

Vino Cherian


Cancer Survivorship – Life After treatment
November 7, 2022

Cancer survivorship means different things to different people. For some, it may be a time of reflection and growth. Others may feel on a roller coaster of emotions, from joy to sadness. No matter your experience, there are ways to cope with the challenges of cancer survivorship.  After completing treatment  …

Pinaki Saha


Cancer Survivors: Ways to Help Others
November 6, 2022

If you are a cancer survivor, you may wonder how you can help cancer patients who are still undergoing treatment. A common question among survivors is, “How do I give back?” There are many ways that you can offer support, both practical and emotional. Few ideas to give back as…

Vino Cherian


Why a second opinion after a cancer diagnosis matters
November 6, 2022

Cancer care is an ever-evolving field where new treatments are continuously developed. So, it is always worth getting a second opinion when a person is diagnosed with cancer. Furthermore, research evidence indicates that most early-stage cancer patients are satisfied with the opinion of their first oncologist. So, what is a…

Vino Cherian


The Little-known Cancer – Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP)
November 4, 2022

CUP, also known as Cancer of unknown primary, is Cancer that has metastasized from another body part. The site where it began, also called the primary site, is unknown in this case. Why CUP is a challenging cancer? Cancer of unknown primary is often challenging because it tends to be…

Vino Cherian


Cancer: A disease we can no longer ignore
November 3, 2022

Welcome to cancerGO; we are honored to have you on your platform. cancerGo is a social network platform where oncologists democratize access to knowledge, interpret cancer medicine for a broader audience, and provide accurate cancer-related information to counteract misinformation. We want to equip patients with the correct information to fight…

Vino Cherian


Cancer patients and survivors find community and support on cancerGO
November 3, 2022

On behalf of caregivers and survivors, we welcome you to cancerGo. Our social network is the first ever dedicated exclusively to people living with or fighting cancer - it is a safe space where they can connect with others who understand what they are going through; seek help from those…

Pinaki Saha


When You Have Cancer: The Importance of Relationships
October 31, 2022

All of us understand the importance of our relationships. We always need each other, but we need one another even more than usual when faced with a crisis. Cancer certainly qualifies as a people-needing time. Cancer Human Resources 101 If there were a required introductory course for newly diagnosed cancer…



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cancerGO gives you access to a community

Where are people to listen, answer questions, share information, and offer valuable and timely advice

cancerGO gives you access to a community

Where are people to listen, answer questions, share information, and offer valuable and timely advice

cancerGO gives you access to a community

Where are people to listen, answer questions, share information, and offer valuable and timely advice