Cancer patients and survivors find community and support on cancerGO

Cancer patients and survivors find community and support on cancerGO

Pinaki Saha
Pinaki Saha

On behalf of caregivers and survivors, we welcome you to cancerGo. Our social network is the first ever dedicated exclusively to people living with or fighting cancer – it is a safe space where they can connect with others who understand what they are going through; seek help from those who have experience with cancer while sharing stories of hope along their journey – it can be difficult at times, but there is always someone else out here waiting! Your support is not limited by where you receive treatment, making cancerGo special!

The fear and anxiety of a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. That is why we created cancerGo to provide support when going through life-changing events. 

Cancer is an isolating disease. People often feel like they are going through it alone, even though many cancer patients receive support from friends and family members throughout their journey- joining a community platform can be very beneficial. When they log in to cancerGo, they realize they are part of a community in their fight against cancer. Confusion, loneliness, and lack of access to information about how best to fight back against this life-threatening illness.” no longer stand in the way.

Support organizations on cancerGO network

The support for people with cancers is not limited to emotional support, financial worries, and information about the disease on cancerGo. Support groups within cancerGo focus on all cancer types, while other support groups are tailored to a specific cancer subtype. These blogs are regularly updated by a team of experts who provide valuable insights into all types of cancers and chat rooms designed specifically for those living through it mentally or physically; cancerGo offers an opportunity to meet other patients just like yourself!

In addition, there are also videos on various cancer-related topics like should I move back home after being diagnosed? What does prolonged vomiting entail – one might ask, and much more.

At first, you may feel like you do not belong in a support group. That is normal. It takes time to get comfortable sharing your feelings with strangers. Stick with it, and you will likely find that the support group becomes an integral part of your cancer journey.

With its personal touch and unique approach, “cancerGo” is a vital, interactive resource for people affected by cancer. Our mission is to put patients and survivors at the center of their care, support them through their journey, and empower them to take control of their lives!

Thank you for choosing and downloading cancerGo. Please get in touch with us with suggestions to improve cancerGo and serve your needs.

Pinaki Saha
Pinaki Saha

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